Reading the latest over at TerraBlog this morning I was intrigued by a reference to the new wikiHow site and thought I'd check out its sustainability credentials. So, off I went to title-surf this new collaborative writing project: "The How-To Manual That Anyone Can Write or Edit".
First off, I love the concept. Its wikipedia-like, quick look-up nature promises plenty of entertainment along with its helpful content. I especially liked the entry titled 'How to sneak out of our house at night'...brought back some long forgotten memories of childhood escapades. Believe me, you'll find plenty more like it.
Environmentally speaking, the pickings were relatively slim, but generally helpful and sure to grow in number fairly quickly. For instance, I found...
How to set up a home recycling system
How to compost successfully and safely
How to increase fuel mileage in a car
How to reduce your greenhous gas emissions
Not overbearing stuff, but easy to search and find. I think this will be a nice complement to the more hard core environmental and sustainability sites, and it's encouraging to see this kind of info getting into the mainstream.
Oh yes...if you can stand a bit more of my tongue-in-cheek humor, then check out 'How to stop being scared after watching scary movies'--especially after you take in Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth. Have fun.