Welcome. If you're who I think you are, you've come to the right place. This is probably not a great destination for hard core types, deep in the mainstream (or some tributary) of environmental activism. Should you fit this description, keep doing what you're doing. And I'll keep glued to your blogs, websites, books, campaigns, movies, talks, etc.
This site, instead, is intended to weave a web of understanding out of all this stuff. To show the connections, the interrelatedness of it all. It's a place to come and sample, learn, and start to get your own eConsciousness. It's a platform to visit and then jump off--and to revisit from time to time for fresh thinking. Because, you see, I plan to make this grow, and in so doing to make it even more worthwhile, more helpful, more all-encompassing.
So how does this work? This illustration may help (click to see it larger)...
It's like this...I read, study, surf and synthesize. I link, comment on, interpret, and guide. I inform, educate, facilitate, and advocate. I may even entertain. What you get is as real-time as possible, limited only by my brain and my two hands and the extent of my resourcefulness. You can look at it this way--you have one, single overachieving type of person here who will save you the trouble of making sense of it all.
The package, if you will, gives you:
1. my discoveries, covering what I learn and how it connects, as they unfold,
2. my pursuit of the motivation, the trigger or spark that kicks in and turns an individual into a committed recycler, sustainable business entrepreneur, carbon reducer, etc.,
3. and my attempt to create a meta-matrix, a roadmap, a geographic information system-like way of seeing the big picture and how you might fit into it.
Hey, I plan to do even more, but I thought I'd start small.
So let's begin at the beginning. I can't promise how many times I'll be looping back, but hopefully in ever-widening circles this unlikely activist can give you the push needed to become one yourself. Oh, and by the way, I'm expecting that if you do take the plunge, you'll come back and help grow this by adding your experience. Deal?
Just got a look at your new blog...looks great. I like the idea that eConsciousness drives individuals, and individuals drive groups, and groups drive action. That's how things get done.
Keep up the good works.
Posted by: ETG | October 14, 2006 at 02:53 PM
I see great potential! You've secured a spot in my 'bookmarks', I look forward to seeing where this goes!
Posted by: CLG | October 16, 2006 at 03:39 PM
Thanks for using your passion to help inspire and inform the rest of us! I probably fall in the uninformed, but interested, category. You've got some great points in your blog so far!
Plus, I probably am not who I think I am. Hahaha, sorry, had to put that in there after reading your first line ... when you run a humor site you always have to try to inject a little fun =)
Posted by: Say No to Crack | November 07, 2006 at 10:11 PM
I am absolutely thrilled to discover your blog! Adding it to the Wayward Waif's A Cottage Life blogroll as I plan to return with the anticipation of becoming a regular reader. Nice job! Great concept and content.
Posted by: Dalene | November 21, 2006 at 11:57 AM
!!!!!! Look who is a featured blog at Typepad :) Well deserved I might add. Congrats on the recognition. Wishing you a community of many new readers and conversation. Dalene
Posted by: Dalene | February 16, 2007 at 08:50 PM
Great blog - very informative. I've put you onto my bloglist and visited a couple of your recommendations too. I'm off to the states in July (by freighter as its greener than flying from the UK) any suggestions for good cities to visit to see where things are done well. I've got loads of time and an open rail ticket so out of the way is no problem for me!
Wendy Shillam
Posted by: Wendy Shillam | February 19, 2007 at 06:43 AM