Here's a quickie. From a post on my new favorite sustainability advocates web, called compassnetwork, comes word that Pink Floyd's 'Another Brick in the Wall, Part II' has been masterfully remastered into a real catchy enviro music video. Says something to me about the way we're starting to use all channels of communication to get the word out--especially to a generation with a lot less gray and a lot more energy than I have.
Swedish DJ and producer Eric Prydz's 'Proper Education' was released recently, and you can see and hear it here. Coincidentally, I just heard from my undergrad daughter that yet another friend of hers has opted to take up the sustainability cause when she graduates in May. Nice to see that eConsciousness has no age barriers.
Great video! Love it! Love it! Gotta get all my friends to watch it. ... So, what's the brick in the freezer about? I get the brick in the toilet tank to save water ...
Posted by: carol | January 09, 2007 at 05:11 PM
Great question...and from my research, you're not the first one this video has prompted to ask it. Here are a couple possibilities:
1. Part of an experiment to see how glaciers can pick up and carry rocks (link:
2. Something that Greenbay Packers football (American) fans do to honor their team (link:
3. It's a scientific method taxidermists use in the preparation of large mammal tissue (ugh) (link here:
But I think 'envelopegirl' has it, as she reports on a YouTube comment string here:
Yes, definitely. I'd go with envelope girl.
p.s.: I bet you thought I had better things to do with my time, eh?
Posted by: LG | January 09, 2007 at 11:09 PM