Thank you to all who took time to respond to the first official poll!
Your answers tell me that there's interest in a wide range of information pertaining to eConsciousness and sustainability, for even the lowest ranking category--Issues background--scored well enough to merit inclusion. How-to advice, earned the most mentions as the type of information you would find most helpful, pointing to a desire for practical tips and content ideas.
Here's a summary of the results:
Relevant links: 47.8% picked it as one of the two most helpful categories
How-to advice: 52.2% picked it as one of the two most helpful categories
Success stories: 47.8% picked it as one of the two most helpful categories
Issues background: 30.4% picked it as one of the two most helpful categories
Looking at the categories individually, this is how they ranked in terms of actual number of votes:
How-to advice: received 29.3% of the votes
Relevant links: received 26.8% of the votes
Success stories: received 26.8% of the votes
Issues background: received 17.1% of the votes
So much for my being able to focus on one issue or the other, eh? Actually, it's great news, for it gives me a chance to both delve into more detail, and keep the site diverse and interesting. I'll be posting new surveys in the weeks ahead. Stay tuned, and keep letting me know what you think.