Been caught flat footed on global warming lately? Have the skeptics been getting the better of you? Don't panic.
Many thanks to a bright fellow named Coby Beck for his tremendous contribution to ending stalemates like the one above. First, he's compiled a very long list of the questions and issues that skeptics raise about Global Warming. Then he's provided succinct answers, backed with enough of the science that it can still be understood by non-scientists. He's also provided links off the answers for deeper exploration. And, finally, he's organized them all by category so we can find our way around easily.
This fantastic material is all just a click away. You'll find it on Coby's blog, A Few Things Ill Considered, and also on the Gristmill, to which Coby is a contributor. Take your pick, but do click. Now.
As any of us who've been caught fumbling when trying to make headway with a diehard skeptic, this will give you comfort...and may even help win a convert or two along the way.