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Mark Thayer

Well, since you opened the door into the political arena... There was one major victory this week that should give all envorinmental activists reason to celebrate. On the left coast, Sacramento, 11th District House of Reps, Jerry McNerny, a self-described "renewable energy businessman" defeated incumbent Richard Pombo. Pombo, Chairman of the House Resources Committee, has spent seven terms working hard to undermine environmental protection legislation and open the "wild places" to development by special intersts. This victory is encouraging for all of the obvious reasons but also because it points out the power of education. Several environmental groups were on-the-ground in Sacramento mounting a grass-roots campaign to mobilze voters, and once voters became fully aware of Pombos hidden agenda, they voiced their outrage at the polls.

This victory will resonate all across the country and in fact the planet, since as we all know, everything is interrelated and a breath of fresh air in Sacramento can be inhaled in your own back yard.

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