I've been accused of writing long when I could write short. Of stretching a point when I should compress it. It's true. I know. But I did manage to compose a very brief new Profile to post on Technorati, the blog search site for the world. Believe me, the 250 word limit had me squirming quite a bit. Reminded me of some rather ill-advised spelunking I did back in my college days.
Anyhow, here's the profile, and here's a way you can click to the latest from Technorati easily. Have fun, and thanks again for helping this (ad)venture grow.
Technorati profile for The Unlikely Activist...
A career communicator, I've set out to awaken your eConsciousness-- as facilitator, translator, motivator. Travel with me through the world of sustainability and let's explore the balance between our needs and those of the earth systems we depend upon.